Creating Custom Units
Although provides an extensive list of units to choose from, we also provide a feature which allows you to create custom units for your sensors. Note that only Administrators have permission to create a custom unit.
Creating a Custom Unit Steps
- Navigate to the Administration page by clicking the user menu in the top right corner of the page and selecting 'Administration'. Note that only Project Administrators have access to the Administration page.
- From the Administration page select the 'Custom Units' item from the side menu.
- You should now be on the Custom Units page. Click the '+ Unit' button in the top right corner of the page.
- Give your unit a unique name and provide a unit abbreviation in the unit field.
- If your unit is a rate unit check the box for rate unit.
- Rate units require that you select a totalization unit and a rate ( e.g. 'per second', 'per minute'...).
- Once you've filled out the form, click 'Add Unit'. You should now see your new unit in your custom units table. This unit will now be available for you to use when configuring your sensors.