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Pages Administrator Technician Analyst Viewers
Project Full Access Full Access* Full Access* View Only*
Administration Full Access Full Access No Access No Access
Station Management Full Access No Access No Access No Access
*assigned Stations only

Create User (Administrators only)

  1. Navigate to the Administration page by clicking the gear icon on the sidebar. Note that only Administrators have access to the Administration page.
  2. From the Administration page select the 'Users' item from the side menu.
  3. You should now be on the User Summary page. Click the '+' button in the top right of the user type you would like to create.
  4. Begin filling out the form fields. The user will log in with the email address that you provide in the email field. Enter the user's phone number following the guidelines provided to ensure that the correct country format is applied.
  5. Enable the appropriate contact method for this user. This setting determines the method in which the user will receive alerts for triggered alarms.
  6. Finally, select which stations you want this user to be able to access. You can select the 'All stations visible' toggle to allow the user to view all stations in all projects or you can select each station individually.
  7. Once you're satisfied with your configurations, click the 'Add User' button. You should now see your new user in the side menu user sub-list.

Edit User (Administrators only)

  1. Navigate to the Administration page by clicking the gear icon on the sidebar.
  2. From the Administration page select the 'Users' item from the side menu.
  3. Click the pencil icon in the actions column on the user you would like to edit.
  4. Update the information you would like to change.
  5. Click 'Save' to save changes to the user.

Delete User (Administrators only)

  1. Navigate to the Administration page by clicking the gear icon on the sidebar.
  2. From the Administration page select the 'Users' item from the side menu.
  3. Click the pencil icon in the actions column on the user you would like to edit.
  4. Click the red 'Delete' button on the bottom right.
  5. Click 'Yes' on the confirmation popup.