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Widget Boards

Widget Boards allow you to create as many custom widget boards as your project requires. A Board is a collection of custom built widgets that display your data. provides several different types of widgets to choose from including charts, gauges and data tables. Below is a description of each of the widget types:

Widget Types

  • Time Series: Display data on various chart types including line, area, area spline, bar, column, spline
  • Wind Direction: A circular gauge with directional markings and a needle that marks the current wind direction
  • Reading: Display a sensors last recorded reading on a colorful display card
  • Flow Reading Start Date: Displays a totalized reading of flow over a fixed interval of time
  • Flow Rate Plus Level: Displays the current flow rate and level readings
  • Gauge: A circular gauge that can consists of a user configured numerical range and a needle to mark the current reading
  • Table: Display a series of readings from any combination of sensors and date ranges
  • Image: Display photos or live webcam feeds as a static image that updates periodically

Widget Board Scope

A single board can contain widgets from any number of stations within the project. Widget Boards are extremely customizable and it's completely up to the user to decide how to theme each profile.

Building a Widget Board

  1. From the Project page click on 'Widget Boards' on the side bar.
  2. Press the '+ Widget Board' button and give your new board a unique name that describes it's purpose.
  3. Notice that the your new board has been added to the table list of boards.
  4. Press the star icon on the table next to your new board and notice that it has now been added to your favorites list in the side menu.
  5. Click the 'View' button and you will be taken to your new board.
  6. You're now ready to begin adding widgets.
  7. Click the '+ Widget' button.
  8. Select a widget type.
  9. For this example we will build a Time Series chart so click the 'Time Series' card to get started.
  10. Select parameters from the list navigating by station or by unit or use the search field to find parameters by name. You can add a single parameter or multiple parameters to the same chart. When you click a parameter you should see a new line added to the chart and a key to identify it.
  11. Once you have added your parameters you can click the 'Selected' tab to apply customization options to each parameter including color, chart type and precision.
  12. Click the 'Options' tab to apply advanced configurations to your chart.
    • Auto scale: Auto scale is applied by default. You can uncheck the 'Auto scale' box to configure a custom scale
    • Transformations: No transformations are applied by default but you have the option to apply averaging, accumulation, or rate of change transformations on your data set.
    • Plot Lines: The lines will always be perpendicular to the axis it is defined within
  13. Once you're finished configuring the widget click the 'Create' button to add it to your board.
  14. You should now see your new widget on the board. Click the 'Edit' button to move and resize your new widget.
  15. When you're satisfied with your widget's size and placement, be sure to click the 'Save' button in the top right corner to save your layout and return to display mode.

*There is no limit to the number of widgets you can add to a single board.