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SDI-12 Sensor Setup

A DLight station can support up to 12 SDI-12 sensors. To add a SDI-12 sensor to your Dlight station navigate to the Station Management page and select 'SDI-12 Sensors' from the side menu. On the SDI-12 summary page click the '+ Sensor' button to get started. Follow the steps below to add your new SDI-12 sensor.

SDI-12 Sensor Setup Steps

  1. Give your new sensor a unique name and select a Sensor key which corresponds to the channel that you want to connect your sensor to. Click 'Next'.
  2. You can now add parameters to your new sensor. Add one parameter at a time pressing the 'Add Parameter' button for each parameter you add. If you would like to finish this step later you can click 'Finish' to complete the setup.
  3. You should now see your new SDI-12 sensor in the side menu list as well as the Sensor Summary page list. Click on the sensor from either list to make further configurations.