Test Messages
Stevens eTracker and AVO telemtry devices both support test messages. In Test Message Mode you can see your telemetry device's output data in realtime. This allows you to make station adjustments that align with the physical readings taken in the field. This feature works similarly to a data logger’s “current readings” feature. Follow the steps below to receive test messages from your device in .
Test Message Setup Steps
- Power on your telemetry device in the field and let it begin to transmit as described by its configuration.
- Ensure that the Test Message LED is not lit.
- Push the Test Message button while observing the Test Message LED. After 2 seconds, the Test Message LED should go solid. The solid LED indicates that the system is busy powering the cellular radio and establishing a connection to the tower and server.
- After about 1 min, the Test Message LED will start to flash slowly. This indicates that the unit is in Test Message Mode. It will begin to transmit sensor data every 2 mins.
- Log into and navigate to this station. Under the Test Message tab, the sensor data will begin to appear. You can now observe this data and make any necessary adjustments.